Thursday, January 12, 2006

my new favorite thing...

Whinny like a horse, and Ben will look up at you like you are a genius, and he will laugh and laugh no matter how many times you do it, and he'll try to touch your mouth and figure it out. His favorite book right now is Brown Bear, Brown Bear and he's learned how to do a high five, though technically he's doing a high ten because he uses both hands. Long overdue are some New Year's pics below. Things are going well. I got my computer desk last night. I spent 9pm to 10pm assembling it, and Ryan had to go into the other room because he couldn't relax if I wasn't relaxing. I tried to tell him that assembling desks is one of the most relaxing activities I can do, but he wouldn't hear of it. He went into the other room and read a book about The Band. I officially reject The Band, as I reject Elvis Costello, and all you hipsters out there can just take their respective derbies and plastic framed glasses and deal with it. I'm sitting in a chair in front of my new desk, and, feels oh so ergonomical.

1 comment:

angela said...

YOUR computer desk sucks. See you in Feb.!