Wednesday, April 25, 2007

to my baby elliott

Hi Elliott,
Just so you know, you are not going to get a monthly update, but I am going to shoot for bimonthly. You are the second child. I know it's not fair, but it's life, and at least you were not born in some war-torn nation. At least you were also born to me, likely the most sane one in my family, though that might be arguable. In any case, this morning at around 4:45am, you would not go back to sleep. As soon as I'd get you to sleep, you make this little high-pitched squeal that precedes your not so little scream, and as I got out of bed to put your pacifier back in your mouth, I said, "Jesus Christ, I just want one more hour of sleep!" Once I had calmed you down, I had to remember the days when Benjamin was a baby. He didn't sleep a stretch longer than two hours at a time until he was over four months old, and here you are, not even two months old, sleeping two four-hour stretches at night, and I'm still complaining. So, thank you, baby boy. Thank you for the four-hour stretches.
Speaking of your brother, tonight we read Benjamin a book about Curious George and his various emotions/mindsets (happy, sad, mischevious, and, yes, curious) and Ben acted out every one of them by putting his hand on his hip, or looking disdainful, or laughing, or pretending to cry. His personality and language are on fast-forward these last couple of months, and every day he surprises me and makes me laugh.

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