Saturday, February 23, 2008

Serious Pinata Business

pinataaction, originally uploaded by offgood2000.

There was money in there...all I got was a quarter. Not fair!

Pretty Girl

zoe2, originally uploaded by offgood2000.

Sal and Zoe

salzoe, originally uploaded by offgood2000.

They Find They Have Something In Common

benzoe, originally uploaded by offgood2000.

The Pinata Posse

posse, originally uploaded by offgood2000.

Beautiful Boys

boys.jpg, originally uploaded by offgood2000.

The Cake the Birthday Girl Made Herself

cake.jpg, originally uploaded by offgood2000.

Birthday Girl

danie.jpg, originally uploaded by offgood2000.

Pausing the Partying to Examine Things

fun.jpg, originally uploaded by offgood2000.

Ben Partying

fun2.jpg, originally uploaded by offgood2000.


imagew2.aspx.jpg, originally uploaded by offgood2000.

Jaden and Ben

jadenben.jpg, originally uploaded by offgood2000.


kirs.jpg, originally uploaded by offgood2000.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

a form of torture

Benjamin wakes up in the morning, goes to the pantry and retrieves his morning smoothie, and Elliott sees that bright red box and he quickly crawls towards Ben, panting and drooling, and Ben curls his body around his drink, protecting his treasure. Elliott pulls himself up using Ben's lap as leverage, and Ben, still sucking away at his smoothie as quickly as possible takes a break and says, "No, Baby Ot. No, Baby Ot." Elliott pays him no mind and reaches his hand out and clumsily touches Ben's face and attempts to grab the box. Ben has had it. "No, baby!" He gets up and he goes to the dining room table and finishes his smoothie, and then he throws the box away so Elliott can't even play with that. When it is time for Ben's Cheerios, Elliott is far away, two rooms over in the kitchen, but the memory of the smoothie incident has scarred Ben. "No, baby!" Ben's says. He is filled with paranoia, but Elliott doesn't care about Ben's Cheerios. Not yet anyway.

Monday, February 11, 2008