Monday, March 14, 2005

our government blows...big time

Did you know that as little as five years ago, baby food was packed with pesticides, hormones and artificial additives? No wonder eight-year-olds are growing breasts and getting their periods. Well, here's something worse. Type "mercury" and "autism" into Google. What do you get?! A kid whose inoculations have Thimerosal, an organic mercury compound found in many inoculations, is twenty-seven times more likely to have autism than one who gets a mercury-free inoculation. You might be thinking, "Hmmmm. I'll bet our government, the one that is supposed to protect us and act in our best interest, is doing something about this." Well, you're a naive asshole, just like I was. They've known about it for years. They don't care. After all, babies can't talk, and parents don't know better, and poor, hardworking pharmaceutical companies can't lose money. Here's a question I will never be able to answer: How much money do rich people need? So much that they are willing to let babies get autism? Do they roll cigarettes with hundred dollar bills? Do they eat salads made of shredded money, with croutons made of coins? Do they stuff their pillows with money instead of down? Do they use bricks of gold for paperweights? How much fucking money do you need?!?! Well, apparently a lot. Our government's Center for Disease Control did a study on the autism and mercury connection, and they didn't find a basis for it. But here's the funny thing: the CDC is a major proponent of vaccinations and the president of the CDC left the organization for a cushy job at a pharmaceutical company before the study was completed. So don't worry, it's not biased or anything. The inoculation manufacturers didn't recall Thimerosal (though they say they stopped using it) even though top health officials recommended they do so, so no one really knows whether it's in the shots or not. Mercury is toxic, and pumping it into babies is not a good idea. So I'm going to call my doctor, call the manufacturers and irritate a whole bunch of people. Then, I guess I'll have no other choice but to believe them.

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