Tuesday, July 26, 2005

the height of babydom

Ben has finally reached it--the height of babydom. He is chubby and uncoordinated and can't quite express himself. He looks like a beautiful cartoon character. He can crawl, and he's working on standing and walking. He babbles all day long trying new sounds in his mouth, his current favorite being "Ca." Holding his hands as he tried to take steps today, it hit me. In a little over ten months, he will be an official toddler, on his way to being a boy. I miss him already.


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. It is such fun to watch them grow but there is also a certain sadness. Jim

Anonymous said...

Passing phases. There are so many pieces that fit together to make up a son. Enjoy each, and keep taking pictures.

Anonymous said...

HI i cant believe how much i miss him! More pictures! I bet he will look so different when i get home. i love you guys so much! Congrats on full time Ang, you rock!