Friday, June 24, 2005

it's our anniversary, it's our anniversary, it's our anniversary...happy anniversary!

It's our five-year anniversary today! We don't have much money, so we're just going out to dinner and a movie. We both like giving and receiving presents, but we just can't buy them this year. Yesterday we made each other swear to God that we wouldn't buy presents, and when we swear to God, we mean it because we were raised Catholic and if we swear to God and lie then we know we will be condemned to hell. So, no presents. But I told Ryan I figure we're spending all of our money on moving into a house, which is a gift to both of us. We're moving in next weekend, and we're really excited.

It's hard to believe that we've been together for nine years and married for five. We've done so much and lived all over the place and now we have a little baby boy. I love you, Ry! Happy Anniversary.


angela said...

I love you, sweetie! Happy anniversary!



Anonymous said...

May You have
warm words on a cool evening,
A full Moon on a dark night,
and the Road
Downhill all
the way to your Door....
Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy Independence Day!